This policy will delay the lead time of your products and increase the unit price. But Our Cambodian Leather goods factory is not affected by this policy and save 30% cost.
Here I'm glad to tell you that our factory in China resumes work and production at February 11, 2020. And As you know our new factory in Cambodia has already started production last year.
We are glad to announce that J.D. Cambodia Handbag Factory Open for Business!We are a professional handbag manufacturer and supplier in China. We offer handbag custom & OEM service for worldwide customers and have a professional design, development, manufacturing, and production capacity.
J.D. Leather Goods would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your kind support in successful 2016, and all staffs wish all of you a Merry Xmas and a happy and healthy New Year 2017. Enjoy your holiday together with your families and friends have a great time at new year’s eve.